Alstom premiata per io tram a ...VOLANO !!!!

Trasporto ferroviario

Moderators: Hallenius, teo

Postby Coccodrillo » Tue 01 August 2006; 17:35

Alstom wrote:Any total or partial use, copying, reproduction, publication, downloading, posting, transmission or distribution of this portal in whatever manner, without ALSTOM 's express authorization, is prohibited, and shall be considered as an infringement of the relevant provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, unless specifically authorized under applicable law.

Si può o no? Boh...


ALSTOM is rewarded for its APS and passes an important milestone with its flywheel

On 14 June 2006, French Minister of Transport, Dominique Perben, presented ALSTOM with the Innovation Trophy in the Energy / Environment category for its tramway ground power supply solution (APS).

This innovative technology, premiered by the Urban Community of Bordeaux (France), is a catenary-free system which enables the tram to circulate as a wireless vehicle over any distance.

The trophy rewards ALSTOM’s commitment for its solutions aimed to meet urban challenges as far as integration of public transport is concerned. Today, the tramway is no longer simply a means of transport. For local authorities, it is also a means of fresh urban planning and optimising architectural heritage. In addition to this initiative, ALSTOM has embarked on the research and development of solutions enabling the “wireless” tram to integrate harmoniously into its urban environment.

After Bordeaux chose the APS solution and Nice the on-board battery system, ALSTOM signed on 17 May last an exclusive agreement with the Dutch company CCM, Centre for Concepts, in Mechatronics BV for the development and manufacture of a new on-board power storage solution for tramways: the flywheel. This innovation enables the tram to generate its own fully renewable energy by recovering the energy produced during braking and to travel without power from overhead lines between two stations.

Developed in partnership with CCM and tested since 2005 in real operating conditions on the ALSTOM’s CiITADIS tram in Rotterdam, the flywheel is new in terms of its electro-mechanical functions. These involve a carbon fibred rotating permanent magnet motor-generator located on the roof of the tram, which works on the same principle as a spinning top. The kinetic energy stored during braking is restored by the electric generator to the propulsion system the next time the tramway accelerates. The system is recharged each time the brakes are applied or by a complementary high-speed recharging system each time the tramway stops at a station. By using this mechanically-generated, chemical-free energy, the flywheel is a particularly attractive product for the environment: clean energy, lower electricity consumption and a service life equal to that of the tram – 30 years.

With the flywheel to supplement its APS offer, ALSTOM becomes the only supplier of a complete range of operational wireless solutions on the world market.
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Postby stefralusi » Tue 01 August 2006; 17:48

Questo è un forum divulgativo, mica commerciale o pieno di banner o pop-up o in abbonamento. in fondo.. gli facciamo pubblicità gratuita.
comunque... :lol:
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Postby Coccodrillo » Tue 01 August 2006; 18:00

^^^ quoto al 100%

In teoria basta il buon senso, come dici è pubblicità gratuita.
für Güter die Bahn ~ pour vos marchandises le rail ~ chi dice merci dice ferrovia
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Postby skeggia65 » Wed 02 August 2006; 1:49

Favolose, le traduzioni automatiche!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby stefralusi » Mon 21 August 2006; 4:06

comunque, questo sistema di trasformare ed accumulare l'energia in forma meccanicocinetica anziche disperderla termicamente o su improponibili masse di batterie, costose e deòlicate, laddove non c'è possibilità di reinserirla in linea e, soppratutto, la restituzione dell'energia allo stesso mezzo che l'ha prodotta dando la corrente necessaria allo spunto di avvio, riutilizzando quella recuperata in frenatura ed immagazinata nel volano... proprio come si fà con le automobiline giocattolo... i quasi :lol:
In questi giorni ho meditato di frequente su questo sistema, assieme all'idea di dotare i mezzi di superfice di pannelli fotovoltaici per ridurre i consumi dell'energia elettrica anche per i servizi di bordo in bassa tensione.
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